Top 10 Northern Lights Photography Tips for Capturing the Magic

Northern lights photography tips

Are you ready to capture the breathtaking beauty of the Northern Lights? With these top 10 photography tips, you’ll be well on your way to snapping stunning shots of this natural wonder. From understanding the best camera settings to timing your shots just right, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or just starting out, these expert tips will help you unlock the secrets of capturing the magic of the Northern Lights. So grab your camera and get ready to chase the aurora borealis!

Key Takeaways:

  • Camera Settings: To capture the Northern Lights, use a camera with manual mode capabilities and set it to a low f-stop value (around f/2.8), a high ISO (between 1600-6400), and a slow shutter speed (around 10-20 seconds). This will help to let in more light and create a sense of movement in the photo.
  • Composition: Don’t just focus on the Northern Lights themselves, but also consider the landscape and composition of the shot. Look for interesting foreground elements, such as mountains, trees, or buildings, to add depth and context to the photo. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add creativity to the shot.
  • Persistence and Patience: Capturing the Northern Lights requires a lot of persistence and patience. Be prepared to spend hours outside in the cold, waiting for the lights to appear and adjusting your camera settings accordingly. Bring warm clothing, hot drinks, and snacks to keep you comfortable while you wait.

Understanding the Types of Northern Lights

While capturing the Northern Lights, it’s necessary to understand the different types and forms they can take. This knowledge will help you anticipate and prepare for the various displays you may encounter.

To get started, let’s break down the basics:

Type Description
Aurora Borealis Northern Lights visible in the Northern Hemisphere
Aurora Australis Southern Lights visible in the Southern Hemisphere
Diffuse Aurora A faint, uniform glow in the sky
Pulsating Aurora Bright, rhythmic patches of light

Recognizing these different types will help you adjust your camera settings and composition to capture the unique characteristics of each display.

Aurora Borealis vs. Aurora Australis

An interesting fact to note is that the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) and Southern Lights (Aurora Australis) are necessaryly the same phenomenon, but they occur in opposite hemispheres. While Aurora Borealis is visible in the Northern Hemisphere, primarily at high latitudes, Aurora Australis can be seen in the Southern Hemisphere.

Different Colors and Forms of the Northern Lights

Lights dancing across the sky can take on various colors and forms, adding to the magic of the Northern Lights. You may witness green, the most common color, or be lucky enough to see red, blue, or even violet hues.

A closer look at the different colors and forms reveals that they are influenced by the energy of the solar winds and the altitude of the collision between the solar winds and the Earth’s atmosphere. For example, green is produced by collisions at altitudes of around 100-200 km, while red is produced by collisions at higher altitudes. Understanding these factors can help you anticipate and capture the most stunning displays.

Essential Tips for Capturing the Northern Lights

It’s crucial to remember that capturing the Northern Lights requires patience, persistence, and preparation. Here are some crucial tips to help you increase your chances of getting that perfect shot:

  • Tripod and remote shutter release or camera timer
  • Wide-angle lens with a focal length of 10-24mm
  • Manual focus and manual exposure settings
  • RAW image format for better post-processing flexibility
  • A fully charged battery and spare batteries
  • A memory card with ample storage space
  • Dressing warmly and being prepared for the cold
  • Finding a dark location with minimal light pollution
  • Being patient and flexible with your shooting schedule
  • Respecting the environment and local regulations

Recognizing these crucial tips will help you prepare for your Northern Lights photography adventure.

Tip 1: Dress Warmly and Be Prepared

Essential to capturing the Northern Lights is dressing warmly and being prepared for the cold. You’ll likely be standing outside for an extended period, so make sure to wear layers of warm clothing, including a hat, gloves, and warm socks. Bring a thermos of hot coffee or tea to keep you warm and alert.

Tip 2: Choose the Right Camera Equipment

Tips for choosing the right camera equipment include selecting a camera with manual exposure settings, a wide-angle lens, and a tripod. This will allow you to capture the vastness of the Northern Lights display.

Plus, consider using a camera with good low-light performance and high ISO capabilities. This will help you capture the faint colors of the Northern Lights. Additionally, a camera with built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity can be useful for transferring your photos to your smartphone or tablet for instant sharing.

Tip 3: Find a Dark Location with Minimal Light Pollution

One of the most critical factors in capturing the Northern Lights is finding a dark location with minimal light pollution. You’ll want to get away from cities and towns, which can obscure your view of the Northern Lights.

With a dark location, you’ll be able to see the Northern Lights more clearly and capture their vibrant colors. Look for areas with minimal artificial lighting, such as national parks, remote countryside, or designated dark-sky preserves. These locations will offer you the best chance of capturing the Northern Lights in all their glory.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Camera

Keep in mind that setting up your camera correctly is crucial for capturing the magic of the Northern Lights. Here’s a breakdown of the important settings to get you started:

Setting Recommendation
Camera Mode Manual or RAW
ISO 1600-3200
Shutter Speed 10-20 seconds
Aperture f/2.8
White Balance Daylight or Auto
Focus Mode Manual or Infinity

Setting Your Camera Mode: Manual or RAW

Camera settings can make or break your Northern Lights photography. Make sure you’re shooting in Manual mode or RAW format to have more control over your images and better flexibility during post-processing.

Adjusting Your ISO and Shutter Speed

While adjusting your ISO and shutter speed, remember that higher ISOs can introduce noise, and slower shutter speeds can create motion blur. Find a balance that works for you, but be cautious not to overexpose your images.

Speed is crucial when capturing the Northern Lights, as they can move quickly. A slower shutter speed can create a sense of motion, but be careful not to go too slow, or you’ll end up with a blurry mess.

Focusing on the Northern Lights

Even with autofocus, it’s important to manually focus on the Northern Lights to ensure a sharp image. Use the live view or focus peaking to help you achieve accurate focus.

Plus, remember that the Northern Lights are a dynamic subject, so be prepared to adjust your focus frequently to keep up with their movement. Use a remote shutter release or the camera’s self-timer to minimize camera shake and ensure a sharp image.

Factors Affecting Northern Lights Photography

Once again, as a photographer, you need to consider the factors that can make or break your Northern Lights photography experience. Understanding these factors will help you prepare and increase your chances of capturing the magic of the aurora borealis.

The following factors can significantly impact your Northern Lights photography:

  • Weather Conditions: Clouds, wind, and temperature
  • Moon Phase and its impact on visibility
  • Solar Activity and the Kp Index

Let’s break down each of these factors in more detail:

Weather Conditions: Clouds, Wind, and Temperature

Photography is all about light, and when it comes to Northern Lights, clear skies are vital. Cloudy skies can block your view, while strong winds can make it difficult to set up your equipment. Temperature also plays a crucial role, as extremely cold temperatures can affect your camera’s battery life and performance.

Favorable Conditions Unfavorable Conditions
Clear skies Cloudy skies
Light winds Strong winds
Mild temperatures Extremely cold temperatures

Moon Phase and Its Impact on Visibility

Photography during the Northern Lights requires a dark sky, and the moon phase can significantly impact visibility. A full moon can make it difficult to capture the aurora borealis, while a new moon provides the best viewing conditions.

Visibility is key when it comes to capturing the Northern Lights. A bright moon can overpower the lights, making them less visible. On the other hand, a dark moon allows the aurora borealis to shine brighter, making it easier to capture.

Solar Activity and the Kp Index

If you’re planning to capture the Northern Lights, you need to understand solar activity and the Kp Index. The Kp Index measures the geomagnetic activity of the aurora borealis, with higher numbers indicating more intense activity.

A high Kp Index can result in more vibrant and active Northern Lights displays, making it easier to capture stunning photos. However, high solar activity can also increase the chances of aurora-induced power outages and disruptions to communication systems. Recognizing the Kp Index will help you prepare for the best viewing conditions.

Pros and Cons of Different Camera Settings

Unlike other photography subjects, capturing the Northern Lights requires a deep understanding of your camera settings to get the desired results. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of different camera settings to help you make informed decisions:

Camera Setting Pros and Cons
Wide-Angle Lens (10-22mm) More of the sky is captured, but may distort the horizon
Low ISO (100-400) Limited noise, but may not capture faint lights
High ISO (6400-12800) Captures faint lights, but introduces noise and grain
Slow Shutter Speed (10-30s) Captures movement and blur, but may cause star trails
Fast Shutter Speed (1/100s-1/200s) Freezes movement, but may not capture faint lights
Tripod Stabilizes camera, but may limit composition flexibility
Handheld Allows for quick composition changes, but may introduce camera shake
Manual Focus Ensures sharp focus, but may be time-consuming
Auto Focus Quick and easy, but may not focus on the correct area

The Advantages of Using a Wide-Angle Lens

With a wide-angle lens, you can capture more of the sky and the landscape, resulting in a more dramatic and immersive image. This is especially useful when shooting the Northern Lights, as they can cover a large portion of the sky.

The Drawbacks of High ISO Settings

Advantages of high ISO settings include capturing faint lights and details, but they also introduce noise and grain, which can degrade the overall image quality.

Pros of high ISO settings aside, it’s important to be cautious when using them. Noise and grain can quickly ruin an otherwise stunning image, so it’s crucial to find a balance between capturing the lights and maintaining image quality.

When to Use a Tripod and When to Go Handheld

For maximum stability and sharpness, use a tripod when shooting the Northern Lights. However, if you need to quickly adjust your composition or follow the movement of the lights, going handheld might be a better option.

WideAngle lenses and slow shutter speeds often require a tripod to prevent camera shake and ensure sharpness. However, if you’re using a faster shutter speed or want to capture a more dynamic scene, handheld shooting can be a great way to add some creative flair to your images.

Advanced Techniques for Enhancing Your Photos

After mastering the basics of Northern Lights photography, you’re ready to take your skills to the next level with advanced techniques that will enhance your photos and make them truly magical.

Here are some advanced techniques to try:

  1. Bracketing and HDR Photography
  2. Focus Stacking for Sharper Images
  3. Post-Processing Tips for Northern Lights Photos

Let’s dive deeper into each of these techniques:

Bracketing and HDR Photography

Now that you’re comfortable with manual mode, it’s time to experiment with bracketing and HDR photography. This technique involves taking multiple shots of the same scene at different exposures and then merging them into a single image with more dynamic range.

Benefits Challenges
Increased dynamic range, more detailed shadows and highlights Requires tripod, multiple shots, and post-processing

Focus Stacking for Sharper Images

One of the biggest challenges of Northern Lights photography is capturing sharp images from foreground to background. Focus stacking is a technique that involves taking multiple shots at different focus points and then merging them into a single image with more depth of field.

Advanced focus stacking techniques involve using software to align and merge multiple images, allowing you to capture pin-sharp images from the foreground to the distant Northern Lights.

Post-Processing Tips for Northern Lights Photos

Enhancing your Northern Lights photos in post-processing can make all the difference. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Adjust the white balance to enhance the colors of the Northern Lights
  • Use the curves tool to add contrast and depth to your image
  • Apply noise reduction to minimize digital noise

Any adjustments you make in post-processing should be subtle, as over-editing can lead to unnatural-looking results.

Photos edited with care and attention to detail will showcase the breathtaking beauty of the Northern Lights, while those that are over-edited may look fake or overcooked. Do not forget, the goal is to enhance your photos, not to manipulate them.

Northern Lights Online Tools: Chasing Aurora Like a Pro

The most useful Northern Lights online tools for a successful Aurora hunt. Are you about to hunt the Northern Lights on your own? Then you will find these resources helpful. If you are trying to see Aurora for the first time we recommend signing up for the Northern Lights Online Course where is explained step-by-step all you need to know to see the Northern Lights in an easy way.

  1. Northern Lights essential online tools designed for beginners to help you see Aurora like the handy Aurora Mobile App and Northern Lights Online Course will help you to understand how Aurora works and to monitor real-time activity.

  2. The Northern Lights Forecast and Kp index for 3 days and long-term Aurora forecast for up to 27 days ahead can be found here: Geophysical Institute Forecast, NOAA Aurora Forecast, Spaceweatherlive Forecast or in the Northern Lights App.

  3. Find the best Aurora spots with the light pollution map and cloud cover prediction.

  4. Northern Lights activity in real-time: Real-time Aurora activity (worldwide magnetometers), Solar Wind activity, Sun’s activity, Aurora live Boreal webcams list or Aurora App.

  5. Additional resources to know when it will be dark enough Darkness graph & Map and how much the moon will illuminate the sky Moon Phase + Moonrise & Moonset.

  6. If you decide to go with professional Aurora hunters here you can find the top-rated Aurora Tours.

  7. Guides on how to hunt Aurora: Northern Lights Alaska, Northern Lights Canada, Iceland Northern Lights, Norway Northern Lights, Northern Lights Sweden, Finland Northern Lights, Northern Lights Scotland

Final Words

To wrap up, you now have the important tips to capture the breathtaking beauty of the Northern Lights. Remember to prioritize patience, persistence, and practice to get your shots. Don’t be discouraged by initial failures – keep trying, and you’ll eventually get your desired photos. With these top 10 Northern Lights photography tips, you’ll be well-equipped to preserve the magic of this natural wonder. So, grab your camera, head out, and let the aurora borealis enchant your lens!


Q: What is the best camera equipment for capturing the Northern Lights?

A: To capture stunning Northern Lights photos, you’ll need a camera with manual settings, a tripod, and a wide-angle lens with a focal length of 10-24mm. A full-frame camera or a high-quality crop sensor camera with good low-light performance is ideal. Additionally, consider bringing a remote shutter release or using your camera’s self-timer to minimize camera shake.

Q: What are the ideal camera settings for photographing the Northern Lights?

A: For capturing the Northern Lights, use a low ISO (100-400), a wide aperture (f/2.8 or lower), and a slow shutter speed (10-30 seconds). You may need to adjust these settings based on the intensity of the lights and the amount of moonlight. It’s also imperative to shoot in RAW format to capture more image data and have greater flexibility during post-processing.

Q: How do I compose a compelling Northern Lights photo?

A: To create a captivating Northern Lights photo, include a interesting foreground element, such as a mountain, lake, or building, to add depth and context to your image. Consider using leading lines, symmetry, or framing to create a visually appealing composition. Don’t forget to experiment with different angles and perspectives to add variety to your shots.

Q: What is the best way to focus on the Northern Lights in low light?

A: Focusing on the Northern Lights can be challenging in low light conditions. Use the live view mode on your camera to zoom in on a bright star or the moon, and then manually focus on it. You can also use the autofocus feature on a distant object and then switch to manual focus to lock the focus. Finally, take a test shot and review it to ensure your focus is accurate.

Q: How do I deal with camera battery drain in cold temperatures?

A: Cold temperatures can significantly reduce your camera’s battery life. To minimize battery drain, keep your spare batteries warm by storing them in a pocket close to your body. Turn off your camera’s LCD screen and Wi-Fi when not in use, and consider using a battery grip or external battery pack for extended shooting sessions. Additionally, keep your camera and batteries away from moisture to prevent damage.

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